Tell us a bit about yourself - Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Ash, I am about to turn 20 (woo!) and I am a Sydney based freelance model and influencer.
What inspired you to get into the work that you do?
My creativity and passion for photography/videography. When I was little I would pick up any camera, phone or iPad I could find and start filming or taking photos. I loved to make short films of my cousins and siblings and show them to my family, they were super lame and cheesy but I was convinced I was the next Steven Spielberg. In 2013 begged my dad for my first DSLR camera and started taking photos of myself and my travels and shared them to my Instagram for fun. Fast forward 7 years, I never thought that taking photos would end up being my full time job and I am so blessed to have such a supportive family and boyfriend that continue to inspire me to work, travel and grow.
What’s a day in your life?
Every morning without a doubt I wake up, have a cup of coffee and a big brekky while I watch the latest YouTube videos from my favourite creators. I’ll then do my morning skincare routine and get ready for the day - which is always different for me! I always get to shoot with new teams at new locations and that’s what I love most about my job. The days where I’m not shooting are usually spent getting content photos, doing admin, running errands or spending time with family and friends and my boyfriend.
What are your favourite pieces from our line?
I really struggled to narrow this down, I’m literally obsessed with everything. But if I had to choose, it would definitely be between one of the Drop Necklaces or Double Piercing Hoop Earrings.
Can you tell me about any pieces of jewellery you own that means something special?
When I was around 5 my Nonna gave me one of her rings which I was (and still am) obsessed with. It’s a gold snake ring that wraps around my finger with a red ruby stone as the eye, I think it’s so cool! I used to wear it around my middle finger but now I have to wear it on my pinky because it’s the only one that fits ahaha. It’s special to me because it always reminds me of her and I also love the spiritual meaning of snakes.
What books are you reading right now?
Right now I am reading “You already know: How to access your intuition and find your divine life path” by Helen Jacobs. I am only a few chapters in but so far I am obsessed. I am really passionate about spirituality and highly recommend this book to anyone who is also interested in learning more about it.
What would you say has been the toughest experience from being your own boss?
Just learning how to run a business in itself has been super challenging for me. I personally never studied business or had any prior knowledge on running a business - I had to teach myself everything from scratch. Being a freelancer, there is so much admin to keep on top of - it’s like a whole other job in itself. From responding to emails and Dm’s, to negotiating rates, doing taxes, sending off invoices, reading over contracts, editing content, locking in shoots, organising social collaborations, etc - it was a lot whilst shooting full time. But in saying that I am so beyond grateful for these challenges because I feel it has made me a stronger and more independent woman and I have learned so many important skills.
What were you doing before you started modelling/influencing/vlogging?
Before I modelled and did social media full time, I was in my last year of high-school as well as working in retail at Glassons. Once I graduated high school I studied fashion business for a semester before differing to pursue modelling and Instagram full time - best decision I ever made!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I’m hoping to be married with kids- I have always wanted to be a young mum, I definitely feel it’s my purpose in life. I hope to be happy, healthy and successful and to have travelled and shot a lot more ! I would also like to own my own home somewhere in Sydney.
What are your tips for creating the perfect jewellery look?
I usually stick to the rule “less is more”, but when it comes to jewellery, I literally do the opposite lol! You’ll see me layering necklaces, wearing rings on every finger, and mix-matching earrings in all 9 piercings. I would just say to have fun with it!